
Showing posts from February, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be Dead? - Part 3

Part 1 described spiritual death. Not pretty. Part 2 marveled that God would have mercy on the living dead. Now, how did we get into this pickle in the first place. Death Through Sin "The wages of sin is death." Scripture makes is quite clear that we are dead because of sin. Disobedience against God's commands is tantamount to outright rejection of Him, His supremacy, and His standards. Anyone that chooses to follow their own inclinations in violation of God's own words suffers death. All sin is sin against God, and sin brings death. "When sin is accomplished, it brings forth death." (James 1:15) Sin breaks relationship with the Giver of life, so death falls to the offender. Sin isn't a popular topic, or pleasant thought, but all have sinned , and eternal death awaits. Baby Sinners "Isn't he cute?" When my children were born they were miracles! Not only were they new people but innocent, uncorrupted, without guile. I would look into thei...