
Showing posts from January, 2015

Why Study How To Study?

Recently I found myself ready for a new book and thought I'd try a different approach to selecting it.  I am an elder at my church and, with that in mind, asked our Senior Pastor what he would recommend for me.  I was mildly disappointed when he recommended I read something on hermeneutics - how to interpret the Bible.  Not sure what I was hoping for, but this wasn't it.  Felt like I was asking for an exciting adventure, and got told to go sit in a boring lecture hall for 6 months.  Fighting for my freedom I explained that I had already read, "Knowing Scripture" by RC Sproul, and have been happily and properly studying the Bible for many years now.  Didn't work.  He responded by saying that we can never stop learning in this area; that the interpretation of Scripture is so fundamental that, for the rest of our lives, we should be refreshing ourselves on the principles and practices of correct study.  So, with no small feeling of g...