Revisit: Does God Love Those Who Will Never Believe?
The last post generated some very interesting discussion. I wanted to respond to a few of the comments, but it got lengthy and made more sense as a new post. The main focus here is God's love for the unelect - those who will never truly be His and will not gain eternal life. Dave: "I am not a Greek scholar but as a layman I can see that “world” [in John 3:16] has at least five different meanings in the NT. >> I agree that Kosmos has at least five general meanings: creation, the present age, world system, adornment and people. However, none of these definitions equates to "elect" or "chosen." Dave: I think the context is clear...we have Jesus talking with Nicodemus (a Jewish Pharisee) about how in the past God provided healing for the Jews by lifting up a brass serpent, but under the new covenant, saving is not for the Jews only, but for the whole(believing) world. (those from every tribe, tongue and nation)...... by looking to Jesus (who became sin, ...